Zhava, a teenager who lived 7,000 years ago, thought her life had been planned for her: She was promised in marriage to a respectable trader’s son across the mountains. But then the King’s guard showed up, and suddenly she was being trained to use her special talent in a fight no one saw coming. (Fantasy novel for teens.)

Order “The Initiate” now: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SX14ZQQ (Fantasy novel for teens.)

“We seek the one trained in the ways of the Kandor,” the woman said. “We seek your daughter, Zhava.” -The Initiate, available as Kindle e-book now. (Fantasy novel for teens.)

7,000 years ago, when the Gods bestowed their gifts, one girl received more than she ever dreamed. -The Initiate, available as Kindle e-book now. (Fantasy novel for teens.)